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How to Build a Strong Foundation for Your Workplace Safety Program

Every manager knows the importance of having a comprehensive safety program in place. However, it is easier said than done. Whether you are just starting your safety program or revamping the existing one, it can be confusing to know where to start. Just as with anything else, when building or creating something new, it is crucial to build a solid foundation. This is true for your workplace safety program as well. Here's what you need to know about creating a strong foundation that will allow your workplace safety program to be successful today and easily scalable in the future.

Create a Culture of Safety

The most important step is to create the right culture within your company. Lead by example in everything you do. Follow all safety protocols, where the proper PPE when needed, and encourage your employees to do the same. Ensure your staff knows that productivity does come before safety. Frequently, employees feel that the company is only looking at the bottom line, so they cut corners. This is when injuries tend to happen. Do not let your company fall into this trap. Employees need to feel comfortable being safe at work by providing the following:

  • Ability to anonymously report violations and safety concerns

  • Consequences when safety rules and violations are made

Conduct Routine Inspections

Keep your safety program from falling through the cracks by conducting routine inspections to identify safety violations and hazards. By doing so, you are not only ensuring that you are staying on top of your workplace safety program but reminding employees that safety matters to the company. When staff knows that management is paying attention, they are less likely to cut corners, knowing they will likely get caught and that there will be repercussions. 

Design a Comprehensive Safety Training Program

A comprehensive and effective safety training program is crucial to building a solid foundation. Employees who are not adequately trained may not know what the right decisions are regarding safety but will be forced to make a decision, and they may be the wrong ones. Here are the components of an effective safety training program:

  • Documentation - OSHA requires employers to keep proof of employee training. Documentation must show what training was completed, the date completed, and when refresher courses are due. 

  •  Centralized safety training management - When your company is new, it may be easy to keep up with safety training documentation manually in paper files. However, as your company grows, manual safety training management is efficient. Adopting EHS software puts your workplace safety program in a position to scale right from the beginning without the need to backtrack down the road.

  • Stay up to date with the latest OSHA regulations to ensure you are always in compliance.

  • Provide Safety Training Classes That Engage Employees

Everyone is different. One size does not fit all when it comes to learning. Some people can read a piece of paper and walk away with a full understanding of its contents. Others need visuals to learn concepts. These tips will help you provide safety classes that deliver maximum effectiveness:

  • Variety of instruction - Offer different styles of education, including online, live instruction, hands-on, and textbook training classes. All of your employees will have access to learning styles that work for them.

  • Accommodating different cultures - Employees learn best in their native languages. If you have employees who speak a different language from the majority of the staff, be sure to provide training sessions in their native languages. In fact, this is mandatory by OSHA.

  • Expert instructors - Quality training sessions can only be provided if the instructor is an expert in the subject matter. The content must be relevant, or the course will not be effective. Be sure all instructors, whether internal or external, understand the real situations employees will face on the job.

  • Measure comprehension - Have a process in place to measure understanding and ensure employees are walking away with the knowledge they need to be safe in the workplace. The easiest way to accomplish this is by administering tests either online or manually depending on the type of course. Test results also double as feedback that lets you know whether or not your training program is effective and where improvements can be made.

Make Safety Easy for Your Employees

The easier it is for employees to be safe, the more likely they are to follow all safety protocols and processes put in place by your company's workplace safety program. Here are great ways to make safety easy for your staff: 

  • Provide the proper PPE in adequate quantities

  • Ensure equipment is running properly

  • Distribute safety protocols and processes to every employee

  • Place additional copies of protocols and processes within easy reach in every department on every worksite

Start Off on the Right Foot

Make sure the foundation of your company's workplace safety program gets off to the right start by choosing a mobile-friendly EHS software that allows you to do safety better. understands the need to implement a program that is scalable as your business grows. Contact us today to learn more or request a demo! 

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