EHS Insider Blog

Safety Software Overview

The right safety management software helps you stay compliant with industry, local, state, and federal regulations and keep your employees and visitors safe—and it should make it as easy as possible to do all that. For example, employees often don't report near-misses, because the process is too complicated or it takes too much time away from their work. With software to make that process easy and transparent, it's much faster and convenient for employees to comply and it goes a long way in creating a culture of safety. That's just the beginning. Here's an overview of what safety software can do for you:
Topics: EHS Software

Successful Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Software Selection - Map Your Workflows

The question is, what actually happens in your organization? In what order do the practical steps in your operations occur? What depends on what? There is probably a formal or theoretical understanding of the way the operations are supposed to function or were planned to function. These steps may be documented via procedures or the business plan. However, many times the original theoretical workflow gets eroded with actual practice and the real steps and dependencies go on working with little or no supporting documentation. A map of your workflows can be an invaluable tool to help prevent and solve business process issues and time consuming inefficiencies.
Topics: EHS Software